Arise, My Soul, and Pray! Leader's Guide (electronic download)

Arise, My Soul, and Pray! Leader's Guide (electronic download)


The Leader's Guide is designed to be of use for groups of any size. It includes possible visual aids, lesson plan assistance, discussion and application questions, course preparation materials, and much more!

43 pages.

This is an electronic download.  After purchasing, you will receive a link to download the book.  (The link will be valid for 24 hours; please be sure to download within that time.)  The book is in PDF format and may be viewed on a computer or other device.  It may also be printed.

The purchase price includes a license for a total of four users to receive copies of the work in either electronic or print format.  This allows large study groups to purchase only one Leader's Guide for use by up to four group leaders.  More details appear below.

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Information about multiple users of one download:

The purchase price of this electronic download includes a license to provide copies for a total of four users.  Each user may retain a copy of the book, for personal use, in either print or electronic format or both.

The following scenario illustrates uses that ARE ALLOWED under the license:

Ann purchases the book and follows the link to download it electronically.  She saves the PDF file on her computer, and she also prints a copy for her own use. (Ann becomes the first user.)  Ann e-mails a copy of the study to her co-leader Barb (the second user), and she makes a photocopy of the study for her other co-leader Carmen (the third user).  

Barb prints some parts of the study for her personal use, and she also continues to use the PDF on her computer.  The following year, Barb wants to share the copy with her friend Dinah, who is doing the study at another church.  

At this point, Barb asks Ann whether the fourth copy has already been given to anyone.   If so, Barb would have purchased a new copy for Dinah.  But because Ann confirms that there is still one remaining user on the original purchase, Barb e-mails a copy to Dinah.  

Dinah (the fourth user) may use the electronic copy, or she may print it for personal use.  But, if she wants to share a copy with others, there will need to be another purchase.

If you have questions about licensing or making copies of a downloaded book, please contact us at